What are Input Metrics?

The most common mistake most Growth teams make while translating their Growth models or goals into an actionable roadmap is that they confuse between inputs and outputs.

Let's understand them one by one.

input versus output metrics

Input Metric:
Input metrics are measures of the controllable actions or activities that can be directly managed to influence business outcomes.

They often precede and predict changes in output metrics, providing an early indication of growth trajectory.

An e-commerce company tracks the number of daily new sign-ups (an input metric) as a measure of potential customer interest.

By investing in targeted marketing campaigns across social media platforms, they aim to increase this number, anticipating that it will lead to higher sales (an output metric).

Input metrics such as website traffic, app downloads, or new sign-ups are more actionable and can be influenced by marketing or product changes.

For instance, a campaign offering a discount on the first purchase to new sign-ups may drive immediate sign-ups, indicating the campaign's effectiveness before any revenue impact is observed.