When Should You Use Reviews and Presentations for Communication?

Following our exploration of data trackers and project updates, this skilleton shifts focus to the use of reviews and presentations. These formats are particularly suited to situations where detailed, contextual communication is necessary.

Let’s examine when it is most effective to opt for reviews and presentations over more frequent updates.

Low Frequency of Updates:

Reviews and presentations are ideal for communicating less frequent updates, such as monthly or quarterly reviews. These periods allow for gathering substantial data, which can be effectively communicated in a detailed presentation format.

This approach provides a comprehensive view of progress or issues, which might be diluted in the routine of daily updates.

Setting Context Across Teams:

When communicating across multiple sub-teams or with higher-level executives like CEOs or board members, it’s crucial to set the context clearly. These stakeholders may not be regularly involved with the daily details and require a structured presentation to grasp the full scope of information.

Presentations can effectively bridge these gaps, ensuring all participants are on the same page and aware of the necessary background.

Addressing Deviations:

When deviations from expected outcomes occur, it’s important to discuss these in detail. Reviews and presentations provide the right forum for a deep dive into root causes and to outline corrective actions.

This format allows for a thorough analysis and discussion, which is essential for understanding complex issues and determining next steps.

Opt for reviews and presentations when dealing with low-frequency updates, needing to set context across diverse teams, or addressing significant deviations.

These situations demand a comprehensive and detailed communication approach that reviews and presentations are best equipped to handle, ensuring clarity and effective decision-making.