GroSAT Mini: Conversion Optimization & Customer Retention Skills

Welcome to Mini GroSAT on Conversion Optimization & Customer Retention Skills for Growth.

Before you start, please go through the following points:

How is the test organized?

☞ It is a 30 minute test.
☞ It has 10 questions, to test your understanding of basics of conversion rate optimisation, retention strategies, loyalty program design .

How to take the test?

☞ All questions are multiple-choice questions.
☞ Correct choice carries +4 marks & incorrect choice carries -1 marks.
☞ You can skip questions.

☞ You can navigate within the test, and take questions in any order.
☞ You can change your choice before you mark the test as complete.

How to review results?

☞ At the end of the test, you will see the results page.
☞ It will have overall % score & percentile score.
☞ You can review your answers against correct answers, once the test is over.