Thinking, Fast and Slow

Take this quiz to test your knowledge of heuristics and biases described in the famous behavioral psychology book 'Thinking, Fast and Slow' by Daniel Kahneman.

Before you start, please go through the following points:

How to take the test?

☞ All questions are multiple-choice questions.
☞ Correct choice carries +4 marks & incorrect choice carries -1 marks.
☞ You can skip questions.

☞ You can navigate within the test, and take questions in any order.
☞ You can change your choice before you mark the test as complete.

How to review results?

☞ At the end of the test, you will see the results page.
☞ It will have overall % score & percentile score.
☞ You can review your answers against correct answers, once the test is over.