You are managing a digital marketing campaign for a new product launch. Your team has set various objectives and metrics based on the product's market position and target audience. Choose the correct approach for defining campaign success:
- Scenario I: The product is aimed at increasing brand awareness among a new target audience. The team focuses primarily on measuring the sales and ROI from the campaign.
- Scenario II: The product is well-established, and the campaign's goal is to boost online sales. The team prioritizes metrics like website traffic and page views as indicators of success.
- Scenario III: For a newly launched product, the campaign aims at building brand awareness. The team emphasizes metrics such as reach and engagement to gauge success.
- Scenario IV: The campaign is designed to enhance customer loyalty for an existing product. The focus is on measuring customer feedback and repeat purchase rates.
Which scenario(s) correctly align(s) the campaign objectives with the appropriate success metrics?