How to align Creative Strategy with Campaign Goals?

Imagine you are reviewing a marketing campaign to ensure its creative strategy aligns with the campaign goals. Evaluate the following scenarios to determine if they demonstrate effective alignment:

  • Scenario I: A campaign aimed at increasing online sales uses visually striking social media posts but lacks clear calls-to-action or links to the online store.

  • Scenario II: A brand awareness campaign for a sustainable product line uses storytelling in its content to highlight the brand's commitment to the environment, resonating with its eco-conscious target audience.

  • Scenario III: A campaign designed to boost in-store foot traffic launches an interactive online quiz, but it does not incentivize or direct users to visit physical store locations.

  • Scenario IV: In response to initial low engagement, a campaign quickly shifts its messaging to focus more on customer testimonials and real-life product applications.

Identify which scenarios show effective alignment between the creative strategy and the campaign goals.

Choose the closest answer: